Westminster Baptist Church Kids Ministry Welcome


First time at Westminster 3D Kids?


Where to Park?

  • Make a left into the WBC parking lot and follow the road that goes around back to your left. You may park anywhere in this lot. Please come in through the double doors to the right of the playground fence.

Stop by the 3D Kids Sign-In Desk so we can…

  • Walk you through the check-in process.
  • Guide you to where you need to go.


Important Information:

  • Classrooms are determined by birthday or grade.
  • Kids are dropped off and picked up in their classrooms by a parent or guardian.
  • Hold on to the name tag(s) you receive at check-in. You will need to show your parent tag to the check in coordinator and the safety person in order to pick up your child.
  • See our Wellness Policy to determine signs of illness.


If you have additional questions, please email Barbara Harrison at barb@discoverwbc.com